Our commitments
For SFA, respecting legislation is of the utmost importance, especially considering that 96% of its production is exported around the globe. The legal department supplies all of the documents needed for products handled by the company and purchased from the company. It also implements a legal watch, to keep up to date with the latest evolutions in legislation.
Complying with E.U. rules
SFA respects the various European Directives:
The Directive on dangerous substances and preparations, which defines the different safety symbols, allowing for greater precautions when handling products and labelling the products it sells.
The European Cosmetics Directive
REACH: European regulations pertaining to the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances imported into, or manufactured in, Europe.
Learn more about REACH
Respecting international recommendations
SFA also respects international recommendations and Directives:
IFRA (International Fragrance Association): an organization that analyses the ingredients in a scented product and recommends dosages for each type of finished product. It sometimes even bans the use of certain substances.
The Directives in each country or zone, mainly Japan, Canada, the United States, the members of ASEAN in South-East Asia, and Australia.
Visit IFRA The International Fragrance Association
Bespoke solutions
On request, SFA is able to adapt to other local and lesser-known customs and regulations, to the specs, and to special client requirements.
Certification and documentation
Respecting all international rules and regulations of our industry, the necessary documents are available from the legal department:
Data Sheet: states the organoleptic properties of the composition (color, smell, appearance, etc.) as part of sampling
Hazard Sheet: identifies the potential dangers of a perfume and ranks 16 safety criteria
Analysis Form: for an order, it goes over the criteria on the Data Sheet in even greater detail; it specifies the batch number for product traceability
IFRA certificate: gives dosage recommendations
Cosmetic compliance certificate
Allergen certificate for cosmetics in Europe
Safety certificate for finished product
VOC (Volatiles Organic Compounds)
other documents or certificates may be studied at the client’s request.
Contact our Regulatory Affairs department
SFA Membership
PRODAROM (Syndicat National des Fabricants de Produits Aromatiques), French syndicate of flavored goods manufacturers
UIC, the chemical industries’ union
FEBEA (Fédération des Entreprises de la Beauté), the federation of beauty businesses (equivalent of EFFA on a national scale).
EFFA, the European Flavor and Fragrance.